Schedule Module

The schedule module provides all the tools needed to manage the timeline projects.

This includes the “Role Planner”, “Crew Planner”, and “Work Hours”

Role Planner

The Role Planner is designed to facilitate efficient allocation of resources within a project. The planner provides a comprehensive view of the project timeline, allowing you to effectively manage roles and their respective schedules.

Key features and functionality of the Role Planner include:

Adding Roles: Easily create and assign roles to your project. Roles represent the various functions or responsibilities required for project completion.

Timeline Management: A user-friendly interface allows you to allocate roles on a timeline. Simply assign a role to a specific period, whether days, weeks, or months, ensuring each role’s responsibilities are clearly defined throughout the project.

Quickly adjust and update role allocations on the timeline using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. This feature enables you to swiftly adapt the project timeline as needed, accommodating changes in resources or requirements.

Overview and Reporting: Monitor project progress and resource allocation with an overview of the role planner. This high-level perspective allows you to assess resource distribution, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions to optimize project efficiency.

By leveraging the Role Planner, you can effectively manage project roles, allocate resources efficiently, and maintain a clear overview of your project’s timeline, ultimately streamlining production resource management.

Crew Planner

The Crew Planner allows you to visualize and manage crew allocation for your project. By integrating with the Role Planner, the Crew Planner provides a comprehensive view of your crew and their respective schedules, enabling efficient resource management and planning.

Key features and functionality of the Crew Planner include:

Role Planner Integration: Seamlessly import role allocations from the Role Planner, allowing you to overlay role plans onto the existing crew schedule.

Crew Overview: View the entire crew’s schedule in one centralized location. This bird’s-eye view provides valuable insights into crew availability, workload distribution, and potential scheduling conflicts.

Individual Crew Member Schedules: Assess each crew member’s schedule and availability, ensuring individual roles and tasks are balanced and aligned with the overall project timeline.

Conflict Identification and Resolution: Identify potential scheduling conflicts early and make necessary adjustments to optimize resource allocation and project efficiency.

Adaptive Scheduling: Quickly adjust crew schedules with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to accommodate changes in project requirements or resource availability.

The Crew Planner streamlines crew management by providing a clear view of your project’s resource allocation. By overlaying role plans onto crew schedules, you can ensure roles are filled effectively and make informed decisions to optimize the use of your crew and maintain project timelines.

Work Hours

The Work Hours View enables you to monitor and manage crew work hours. This feature provides a comprehensive view of the hours logged by each crew member, allowing you to track progress, identify potential issues, and ensure crew members are working within their allotted timeframes.

Key features and functionality of the Work Hours View include:

Time Tracking: Track and display the total work hours logged by each crew member. This data allows you to assess individual workloads, evaluate productivity, and identify areas where additional support may be required.

Progress Monitoring: Monitor progress against project timelines and targets by evaluating work hours logged versus planned hours. This comparison helps you to assess project efficiency and adjust resource allocation as needed.

Overtime Identification: Quickly identify crew members working overtime or approaching overtime thresholds, enabling proactive management of overtime costs and ensuring crew well-being.

Reporting and Analysis: Generate work hours reports for individual crew members or the entire crew, providing valuable insights into resource allocation, productivity, and overall project efficiency.

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